The tour of Caorle, between the old town centre and the lagoon (Km 17)
We are going to visit Caorle, the inhabited centre, the lagoon and the surrounding atmosphere, leaving from the large square of the Stadium and, throught via A. Moro, passing throught the wide space where takes place the weekly market on Saturday, we arrive at the first stop; we turn right and go on in via Pretoriana (follow the arrow that indicates the city centre) till Veneto Square. Here (km 1) we turn right and take via Pompei, we reach the port and go straight on till the end of the quay; then (km 1.9) we turn right and take via dei Bragozzi and we arrive at the Villaggio dell’Orologio. Go straight on in via dei Tropici: on the left there are the schools and the first aid station, on the right the dock dell’Orologio. Going straight on, we arrive at the skating race (km the 5.9); here starts the cycleway, which is 1.5 km long and goes from the bank of the Orologio channel to the mouth of Livenza river. The cycleway finishes on the large square where there is the ferry that does the sea freight between Caorle and Porto Santa Margherita.
From here we go towards the city centre throught via Livenza, via Tagliamento and S. Margherita Avenue, which is full of shops. After two kilometers we arrive in Vescovado Square (Km 9.5) the beautiful square in front of the millenary dome and the cylindrical bell tower, the symbol of the city; we continue towards east and than we pass in front of the church of the Madonna of the Angel, to which the inhabitants of Caorle are very devout; after the curve we find ourselves in Veneto Square again (km 10), we turn right and, faced a light climb, we reach lungomare Trieste, the beautiful seafront that leads to rione Falconera.
At the end of the coast (km 12), we turn left and, after a hundred of meters, to right, we take Viale dei Cacciatori, which is another long street near the camping area, that leads to Falconera. We turn right and then left and we are in front of the Nicesolo canal, in one of the more characteristic areas of Caorle; here we can see “the casoni”, typical constructions in wood and swampy cane, that we meet also next to the asphalted road. These constructions are the evidence of the old and strong relationship between the inhabitants and the lagoon.
We continue on the asphalted road till a cycleway on the right (km 13.6) which goes away towards north. We take it and at the end of it we reach the Island of the Fishermen, a beautiful place where to have a break. Then we leave the Island of the Fishermen and go straight on following the Saetta canal and after 500 meters we arrive to its confluence with the Livenza river. Going straight on that road we can see the wide complex of the purification plant of the city on left. Some hundred of meters and we reach the stadium from where we have started our route.