Caorle – Ca’ Corniani – Ca’ Cottoni – La Salute di Livenza – Ottava Presa and back (Km 21 o Km 41)
We leave Caorle going up the Saetta Bridge, on the right, we go straight on following the road signs for “La Salute”. Just after the bridge, on the right, we can see the big complex of buildings that a short time ago made up the farm Chiggiato. The municipal administration has started the renovation of this complex to place the Archaeological Museum of the Sea, the municipal police, the Tourist Office and an agricultural produce promotion centre.
At the traffic lights we reach, we continue to go straight on and we cross (Km 1.2) the bridge “a bilanciere”. We always go straight on, parallelly to the Livenza river, on the right.
At Km 1.8, after a short descent and near the power station of Caorle, we go on and we arrive at Ca’ Corniani, a little agricultural town. On the right still the Livenza river, while on the left the first houses. Built up around to 1700, at the beginning of the reclamation works of this area made by Corniani family, Ca’ Corniani knew a period of high density of population around the 1800, when the Assicurazioni Generali bought these lands and gave strong impulse to the agriculture. In the 60s, the urbanization has nearly depopulated the small town, where, nowadays, live a hundred of inhabitants. The big building on the left is the office district of the farm, which is still in operation, while the large square in front of it is the threshing floor, where, in the past, were collected and thresed corn.
We go on and arrive at an ancient tavern in which we can have a break to leave again for a visit inside this characteristic town. At km the 7.3, at the end of the climb that take us to the bank of the Livenza river, we can see on the right a small church of 1721, while on the left there is the town of Ca’ Cottoni. We cross also this small town and arrive at La Salute.
Km 9.5: we are near to a crowded crossing: on our right, the bridge on the Livenza river, which divide this small town in half; we suggest you to visit it just like San Giorgio, another small town, on the left.
Going straight on, along the road on the bank of the river, (you are going to extend the route for a total of Km 41), we can reach Torre di Mosto, a nice town, built around its town hall, we can visit. To come back to the main route we advise you to follow the road that goes along the opposite side of the Livenza river, which take us to the point from which we had extended our route.
If you don’t want to extend the route, we can cross the bridge at La Salute, and still turning on the right, we come back to Caorle, going along the bank of the Livenza river until the town Ottava Presa. Here, at Km 13.3, we take the provincial road for Caorle. In this road we have to pay attention because it’s very crowded.